After 2 years waiting, Eclipse users get IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5x/V9.x Developer Tools updated for Eclipse 2022 on 2022/11/25 (Before this update, V8.5x/V9.x Developer Tools only support Eclipse 202006) .
IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5x Developer Tools v22.2 and IBM WebSphere Application Server V9.x Developer Tools v22.2 finally support Eclipse 2022-03 (Did they see my complain? V8.5x link, V9.x link). But after I tested Eclipse 2022-09, I think it can supports Eclipse 2022-09 and Eclipse 2022-06 both.
Last version of IBM Liberty Developer Tools didn’t support Eclipse 2022-09 (but supports Eclipse 2022-06), and now IBM Liberty Developer Tools v22.2 supports Eclipse 2022-09. I tested IBM Liberty Developer Tools v22.2 with Eclipse 2022-09 already, and it worked fine.
Even IBM says v22.2 has some known issues, but I think most developers don’t need to face these issues.
在經過兩年等待後,Eclipse 使用者們終於等到了 WebSphere V8.5x/V9.x 開發工具在 2022/11/25 推出的更新,終於支援 Eclipse 2022 版本(在這之前,V8.5x/V9.x 開發工具只支援到 Eclipse 202006 版本)。
IBM WebSphere Application Server V8.5x Developer Tools v22.2 和 IBM WebSphere Application Server V9.x Developer Tools v22.2 官方終於宣布支援 Eclipse 2022-03(他們是看到了我的抱怨嗎?V8.5x link, V9.x link)。我測試過 Eclipse 2022-09 的版本也沒問題,所以我想 v22.2 應該可以同時支援 Eclipse 2022-09 和 2022-06。
上一個版本的 IBM Liberty Developer Tools 並不支援 Eclipse 2022-09(不過有支援 Eclipse 2022-06),這次 IBM Liberty Developer Tools v22.2 終於可以正常地安裝在 Eclipse 2022-09 了,我也實際安裝測試過,沒有問題。
即便官方提到 v22.2 目前還有一些問題,但我想大部分的開發者應該是不會面對到這些問題才對。
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